Industry Core Packages
Service packages below based on the regulatory Laws affecting Specific industries
Services Choices available include Done for You "Compliance As A Service," vCISO, or Fractional CISO, consists of a certified expert providing guidance, oversight, and directing the implementation of your compliance program.
Compliance Core (Self Serve or Outsourced)
Cybersecurity Training Core & Custom services
"If you Think Compliance is Expensive, Try Non-Compliance."
~Former US Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty
Cybersecurity is no longer the luxury option to have "by those big companies that make lots of money". It is mandated by regulatory codes and agencies with enforcement and authority to penalize, shut or close down businesses. There are penalties involved if your organization is considered a "Covered Entity" or other similar title and you fail to meet the requirements, if not specifically exempted by some privilege which you must prove in documentation.
We will gladly meet with your business to build the core requirements plus help advance your organization to meet ever evolving cyber threats that can destroy your business. Contact us for an interview appointment via our online link, or call the number at the top or bottom of our page.